A Family owned Business with more than 120 years of history
In 1895 Coeclerici began operations in Genoa under the name Henry Coe & Clerici, importing coal from Great Britain (1895) and United States (1900) — the company was founded in Genoa in 1895 by Alfonso Clerici and Scotsman Henry Coy, specializing in the supply of coal for the power and steel industries.
Audio version of the history of the company "Koeklerici"
Hello world!
  • Paolo Clerici
    Chairman and CEO of Coeclerici S.p.A.
  • Urbano Clerici
    Deputy Chairman and CEO of Coeclerici Commodities S.A.
  • Giacomo Clerici
    Deputy Chairman of Coeclerici S.p.A.
In 1916, Henry Coe, left the company, selling his shares to Alfonso Clerici. In 1936, Jack Clerici, Alfonso’s son, began working for the company that would began trading with the Soviet Union. In 1964, the company entered into an agreement with the Soviet government providing for the rights to sell Soviet coal on the Italian market. In 1973, Henry Coe & Clerici was renamed Coe & Clerici, and in 1989 it was renamed Coeclerici. In 1992, Jack Clerici hands over the management of the company to his son Paolo Clerici. Under the leadership of Paolo Clerici in 2008 the group acquired a coal mine near Kaltan, 40 km South of Novokuznetsk in Kuzbass. Paolo has two sons that work in Coeclerici: Giacomo and Urbano.

Partly because of his advanced age, partly because of the prevailing family mores, Felice Clerici, father of Alfonso did not have a close relationship with his children. Nevertheless, he undoubtedly dealt with them and, especially, planned for their future. In the case of his second son, Alfonso, he was an intelligent young man of many interests. But, as happens precisely in such cases, not having a particularly clear idea of his own future. Except that he clearly did not dream of taking over his father’s business.

Alfonso Clerici
After his second son finished high school and did his military service (in the infantry, Brigade de l’Aquie, 1902−1903), Felice Clerici sent his son to England, to learn the language necessary to conduct business, and learn to live away from home. Porky, fascinated by the maritime biography of his uncle Emilio Menada, especially because he imagined this maritime life as a free movement around the world in search of new experiences, among new people and countries.

And here he is in Great Britain. England was not quite what he had imagined, but he liked the country overall, and he was especially happy to be in the heart of the international economy. The atmosphere was fascinating. It was especially exciting for a young man who came from a decent family, but from a distant province.

Alfonso quickly learned English. He moved to Wales and settled in Cardiff, one of the centers of the world’s shipping systems. In Wales, Alfonso was welcomed with open arms. On top of that, one day, lightning quick and unexpectedly, he met his love there as well. Her name was Violet Grace-Wolfe, and she was wonderfully young and just as good-looking. A few months later, on August 19, 1908, they were married in the same Cardiff. Meanwhile in early 19 007 Felice Clerici passed away so Alfonso now 24 years old returned to take care of his family.

Upon his return, after the family, his mother and brothers, met his young wife; reception was not the most cordial, in particular because no one in the family had been made aware of their marriage, so Alfonso left Valenza and looks for an apartment in Genoa. Alfonso immediately goes to visit his beloved Uncle Emilio in Genoa. That, which over the years had become a stronghold of industrial shipping in Liguria, would lead Alfonso to the company Navigazione Generale Italiana (Gruppo Raggio), where Emilio was then a member of the Board of Directors.

This is where Alfonso’s work in large maritime entrepreneurship began. He was able to use all the knowledge that he had acquired in Cardiff, and day by day he grew professionally, equal to the strict rules of one of the largest industrial groups in Genoa.

Henry Coe
Henry Coe, the other funder of Coeclerici was born in Calcutta, India, on September 17, 1863.
Henry Coe’s father, Thomas, held quite a prominent position in the colonial administration in India. So he had the opportunity, when his son came of age, to send him home to Scotland in the care of his uncles and aunts for a decent education. Gifted with intelligence and open-mindedness, Henry easily adapted to his new environment.

Moreover, as his studies progressed, it became apparent that, against a background of a rather quiet attitude toward the subjects studied (which corresponded to an overall average academic performance), the young man exhibited brilliant data in all matters relating to social life in general and to amorous adventures in particular. He was credited with all kinds of romantic adventures, one of which had fatal consequences: trying to get out of a conflictual affair and from the inevitable at the time desperate scandal, Henry Coe found no other way than to leave as soon as possible the territory of Scotland.

He decided to move to Genoa. Both because there was already a large and authoritative British colony there, and it promised Henry full human companionship, and because of the career prospects that were opening up. Emilio Menada had met Henry Coe and introduced him to Alfonso. In 1895, Henry Coe opened his own company in Genoa and registered it at 2/2 Mele Lane. The subject of the activity was the importation and commercialization of British coal in Italy. In the following years, activities expanded greatly into representation and agency of outside transactions. After all, the first person of the company had many useful acquaintances, not to mention his sociability and ability to maintain personal connections. Over time Coe became less and less involved in business affairs, turning them over to his young companion Alfonso. He himself eventually left the second of the known to us companions in life and in 1915, after a new love, went with an American ballerina, first in London and after a few months in the United States. He fully ceded his share in the firm to a companion and moved to New York City at the end of 1916.

Emilio Menada
Emilio Menada that so much inspired Alfonso in July 1867, was just a thirteen-year-old boy, the third eldest of sixteen children of a rugged Piedmont farming family, was at the seashore for the first time in his life. And at first sight, he fell in love with the sea forever. On November 8, 1868, the day of his fifteenth birthday, the young man set sail from the port of Genoa as a cabin boy on the sailing ship "Invidia". On the first trip, of course, without pay. Moreover, his father paid the captain 50 lira a month to keep his offspring on board. In April 1871 and immediately enlist again on the Laiguelya (his destination was Argentina), this time as a full-fledged seaman with full pay. Twenty months at sea again, including a shipwreck in the Bristol Channel. In 1876 Emilio Menada receives the rank of officer, in 1880 — the rank of captain of the sailing ship "Caterina Mainetto". Beginning as a junior officer at Rajo & Associates, he would rise to the rank of steam ship commander as early as 1886 and would work in that capacity until 1894, covering the entire world with his voyages. After 26 navigations, it will go ashore for only one reason, but certainly a very good one. On land, he had a highly responsible role waiting for him: the shipowner Edilio Raggio decided to appoint him chief steward of the entire armada, and later promoted him to the status of general manager.

Emilio Menada, who since 1901 was one of the founders of Coifitarma in particular, held many more positions in private and public companies, demonstrating a constant career growth, but always remaining in the maritime industry.

Emilio Menada remained productive and active until the outbreak of World War II, after which, in a clear mind and calm state of soul, having crossed the century limit, he left this world in Sestri Levante, in his Villa Oleandra, overlooking his beloved, ever-present sea.